Fujisawa SST was introduced as one of the “self-creation and self-consumption” actions in Kanagawa prefecture.
8 20, 2015
Fujisawa SST Council
Kanagawa Prefectural Government aims for the realization of the houses,buildings, towns with independent energy, and under the concept of “an age of self-creation and self-consumption of energy”, has been facilitating the introduction of renewable energies including solar power generation system. They distributed the flyer to citizens, placed an advertisement at Yokohama station, and introduced the movie through their official website and TV programs.
As part of a broad range of their activities, Fujisawa SST was introduced as one of the leading town developing solar power generation system. Under the concept of “self-creation and self-consumption of energy” , Fujisawa SST set 3-numerical targets of ‘Renewable energy usage over 30%’, ‘Co2 70% reduction’, ‘water comsumption 30% reduction’ and ‘CCP(lifeline maintenance 3days)’. Utilizing the natural resources, Fujisawa SST keeps on making efforts to sustain an eco & smart life, and also to achieve the aggressive targets by working together with affiliates.
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Kanagawa Prefectural Government