The work experience program for children was held.
11 28, 2016
Yamato Transport Co.,Ltd.
On saturday ,19.Nov.2016, the work experience program for children was held at ‘Next Delivery Square’ in Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town ,10 children from 3 to 7years old living in there participated. It was held with the aim of learning about the work of SD (Sales Driver) having fun during the event.
After children wearing the uniform of SD practiced how to greeting and how to deliver, deliverd some packages to each house actively.
In a manner of delivering with a bright voice as well as, the customers got a smile in spite of themselves .
When the event was finished,it was impression that it looked like children’s expression has changed from tension to cofidence by receiving ‘thank you’ from the customer.
We are going to hold this event in the future ,as our corporate social responcibility.