FSST Achieved More than 35,000 Visitors on the Official Tour!
9 7, 2022
Fujisawa SST Council
On September 7, 2022, the total number of visitors who have taken the official tour of Fujisawa SST exceeded 35,000.
The 35,000th visitor was a member of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Course, Production Systems Engineering Department of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology.
Although it was raining lightly, the visitors enthusiastically participated in the tour.
Since our grand opening in November 2014, we have been visited not only by business-to-business (B2B) customers, but also by governments, representatives of companies in various industries, and members of various educational institutions. People from more than 50 countries have taken part in the tour. In recent years, the site has also become available as a place for educational fieldwork.
The tour will continue to evolve along with the development of the town.
We are looking forward to continuing to host many more visitors.
■Fujisawa SST Tour Official Site