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Mr. Kitamura, Minister of State for Regional Revitalization and Regulatory Reform visited Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town

12 19, 2019

Fujisawa SST Council

Minister of State for Regional Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Seigo Kitamura and Vice Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture Kenji Shuto visited Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town (“Fujisawa SST”) on December 19, 2019.
They were given an overview of the Fujisawa SST project first, and joined a tour of town management company office, commercial facility Shonan T-SITE, and health, welfare and education complex Wellness SQUARE.

After their visit, Minister Kitamura expressed his high expectations for Fujisawa SST and his willingness to revitalize the regional areas. “While companies are continuously involved in community development, they are making proposals tailored to each generation from children to the elderly, and are accumulating further knowledge from it; leading to future activities. We would like to make use of these efforts to promote regional revitalization.

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