Minister for Local Government and Building Safety, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities of UK, visits Fujisawa SST
7 6, 2023
Fujisawa SST Council
On July 6, Minister Lee Rowley, Minister for Local Government and Building Safety, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities of the United Kingdom, visited Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town (hereinafter “Fujisawa SST”).
At the beginning, the Minister received an explanation of the overall outline of the Fujisawa SST project from us, and then toured the town block.
Minister and his delegation asked a variety of questions centered on energy, housing, disaster prevention, and even on our automatic delivery robot.
After the tour, the Minister showed great interest in the concept of Fujisawa SST and its ever-evolving system. The Minister found the visit very useful in helping him understand the role of Japanese companies and technologies related to energy efficiency – and in tackling our common challenges of achieving sustainable urban development.
In order to realize our concept, Fujisawa SST will continue to promote urban development that continues to evolve through co-creation with residents, companies, governments, universities and other partners.